Slow Speeds Protect Motorists and Workers

Slow Speeds Protect Motorists and Workers

As construction continues ramping up for the Regina Bypass, it’s important for all motorists to slow down so all commuters and construction workers get to go home safely.

To prepare for this project’s important infrastructure work that will benefit all motorists when completed, speeds were reduced to 80 km/hr in the fall of 2015 on Trans-Canada Highway 1 between Regina and Balgonie.

80 km/hr

With speeds along this corridor previously ranging from 90 km/hr to 110 km/hr, it made sense to have a consistent 80 km/hr speed, as it provides the following for motorists:

  • Clarity – As more Work Zones are needed to protect construction workers and temporary signage is increased during the project on this segment of highway, it’s important the travelling public have a clear understanding of the posted speed to minimize confusion.
  • Safety – With workers, their vehicles or their equipment becoming more present near the highway as part of the project, sightlines may be temporarily constrained for motorists. A reduced speed provides motorists with more time to react, which improves safety.

Work Zones

As construction activity increases, drivers will see an orange sign with a black image of a worker on it and a tab that identifies “Workers Present.” This will be followed by a black and white speed sign of 60 km/h. At this point, drivers must legally slow to 60 km/hr – no exceptions.

Cases may also exist where 60 km/hr zones are present, even without workers present due to hazards in a work zone, such as a sharp pavement drop, loose stones or concrete barriers.

A driver will know they are at the end of a work area when they see an “end of work area” sign followed by a black-and-white regulatory sign indicating the driver can resume to the normal posted speed – maximum speed of 80 km/hr on Highway 1 east of Regina.

Base fines for speeding in highway work zones are triple that of a regular speeding ticket when workers are present. They start at $210 and increase for each additional kilometre over the posted speed limit.

When workers aren’t present with 60km/hr signs in place due to hazards in a work zone, fines don’t triple, but instead start at $70. Work zone photo enforcement also isn’t enforced in those specific circumstances.

Once fully completed in 2019, the Regina Bypass will improve motorists’ safety and reduce traffic congestion in the capital region, while increasing trucking efficiencies, which supports Saskatchewan’s export-based economy.